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October Fairfax Green Party Meeting

The Fairfax Green Party has scheduled an online meeting Sunday October 18.

The business meeting will be at 3 PM. This is guaranteed not to take more than 1 hour.

At 4 PM Jonah Thomas will make a short presentation on Systemantics.

Systemantics is the study of systems, particularly human systems. Why do they so often fail at their stated purposes? How can they be made to work better?

The topic has a long and tragic history. It requires a strong sense of humor to face bravely.

The meeting is open to all. It’s OK to attend starting at 4.

We usually meet the second Sunday of the month. This time it is the third Sunday.

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Meeting ID: 950 3478 8719

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Clarity on Green Party Locals, November Fairfax Greens Meeting (this local used to be called NoVA Greens)

For clarity there are three Green Party locals in NoVA: Fairfax Greens (also called “NoVA Greens”), Loudoun Greens (in formation, their events are posted here), and Arlington Greens The Fairfax Greens will be holding a vote soon to determine whether to stop using the term “NoVA Greens” altogether as it is confusing.

The next Fairfax Greens meeting is this Saturday, November 19th, 3:30pm-5:00pm, Oakton Library, Meeting Room 2
For real-time discussion, please join

Fairfax Greens Meeting Draft agenda (email or for additions)
Election roundup.
Identify seats for upcoming elections, as well as potential candidates.
Amend outdated bylaws by vote.
Reports on anti-fascist events in Virginia.
Explore ways to become involved in activist group, “Food not Bombs”.
Discuss news local to Fairfax County.
Update on our 15NOW NoVA campaign.

First Loudoun Greens Local Meeting!, October NoVA Greens Meeting, First Meeting of the Greens and Libertarians, Jill Stein Canvassing

Maria Bergheim from Loudoun4Bernie is starting a new Green Party local in Loudoun, please attend if you live in Loudoun.
Their first meeting is at Rust Library in Leesburg, October 3rd 7pm-8:45pm, Meeting Room B

The NoVA Greens local (Fairfax, Falls Church, Alexandria) monthly meeting is October 15th, 11:30-1pm, Meeting Room 1
We will be voting on a coalition with Socialist Alternative DMV, discussing our 15NOW campaign, and recruiting people to run for 2018. If you’d like to become more involved in a campaign to raise the minimum wage, please sign up at

For the first time in my memory the NoVA Greens and NoVA Libertarians will be hosting an event together. We will be watching the first Trump-Clinton debate together. It’s in 2 days, September 26th, at O’Sullivans Irish Pub in Arlington starting at 9pm. 3207 Washington Blvd, Arlington

There is still a Jill Stein canvassing campaign going on. For more info visit

To get more up to date news on the party and campaigns, please join

Also, the various Green Party booths this month were a success.
arlington greens

15Now Campaign, Coalition with Socialist Alternative DMV

We are involved in a newly formed 15Now campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 in the Fairfax/Arlington area. We very much need more volunteers. To volunteer please sign up at You can also like our Facebook page at


The NoVA Greens have formed an almost official coalition with Socialist Alternative DMV, it is through this joint effort we are launching the *non-partisan* 15now campaign. This is non-partisan because we are reaching out to other parties and other orgs for them to be involved in the leadership structure as well.

Jill Stein on the Virginia Ballot, Stein coordinators, Greens at the DC Vegfest, Loudoun Local

Big month for us.

Jill Stein made the Virginia ballot. Thanks so much to all the volunteers! Travis Holmes ( is the new state Stein campaign coordinator. Jonah Thomas ( is the regional Stein coordinator. Email Jonah Thomas about all things Stein first, if he doesn’t get back to you, you can email Travis.

Folks in Loudoun are bringing a Loudoun Green local back together, more updates as that unfolds.

NoVA Green Diana Castillo is organizing a Green Party booth at the DC Vegfest (event hosted by Compassion over Killing). If you’d like to help email She needs help manning the booth anytime from 11am-6pm, September 24th. Location: Outdoors at Yards Park in the Capitol Riverfront neighborhood. Lot H/I, across from Nationals Park. INTERSECTION OF N ST. SE AND FIRST ST. SE, DC, DC

As always, events and rapid party discussion are at . Please join that group if you haven’t already to keep up with the local Green Party.

September NoVA Greens Meeting – Local Formation – Stein Campaigning

Fairfax City Regional Library, Sunday September 4th, 3-5pm, Room A/B

Now that Jill Stein is on the ballot (thanks everyone for your help!) here in Virginia we can begin to sort through things we’ve been delaying. Including

– Filling vacated NoVA Greens local positions, including PR rep
– Facilitating the creation of a Loudon Green Party local
– Identifying a state Stein coordinator (or assigning unofficial roles)
– Announcing and coordinating party, activist, and Stein campaign events.

Please let me know anything else you would like to add to the agenda.