Clarity on Green Party Locals, November Fairfax Greens Meeting (this local used to be called NoVA Greens)

For clarity there are three Green Party locals in NoVA: Fairfax Greens (also called “NoVA Greens”), Loudoun Greens (in formation, their events are posted here), and Arlington Greens The Fairfax Greens will be holding a vote soon to determine whether to stop using the term “NoVA Greens” altogether as it is confusing.

The next Fairfax Greens meeting is this Saturday, November 19th, 3:30pm-5:00pm, Oakton Library, Meeting Room 2
For real-time discussion, please join

Fairfax Greens Meeting Draft agenda (email or for additions)
Election roundup.
Identify seats for upcoming elections, as well as potential candidates.
Amend outdated bylaws by vote.
Reports on anti-fascist events in Virginia.
Explore ways to become involved in activist group, “Food not Bombs”.
Discuss news local to Fairfax County.
Update on our 15NOW NoVA campaign.

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