Tag Archives: Miriam Gennari

Local Green Party leaders on Reston TV Channel 28 – Reston Impact

John Lovaas, host of Reston Impact, hosted three local Green Party leaders, including the head of the Northern Virginia Green Party, Paul Hughes. A wide range of topics were discussed, from what the Green Party stands for, to local electoral activity, values, issues, and policy challenges facing Northern Virginia.

The entire show is available below. You can learn more about Reston Imact via this link.

Reston Impact – The Real Green Party from Comcast Channel 28 on Vimeo.


John Lovaas is the host and producer of Reston Impact. He is a retired Senior Foreign Service Officer in the US foreign aid program and a long time Reston homeowner and resident. In addition to having served on the Boards of Directors of the Reston Association, the Reston Community Center and as President of the Reston Citizens Association, Mr. Lovaas is a founder of the Reston Farmers Market at Lake Anne. He has worked in Reston community television also since 1998 and created Reston Impact in 2002. He and his wife Fran Lovaas have been homeowners in Reston since 1978 and now reside in Lake Anne. Mr. Lovaas was selected as a Best of Reston Award winner in 2007.

Air Times : Tuesday 10pm , Wednesday 8:30pm, Sunday 8pm