Among other things we will elect officers.
Author Archives: Jonah Thomas

October Fairfax Green Party Meeting
The Fairfax Green Party has scheduled an online meeting Sunday October 18.
The business meeting will be at 3 PM. This is guaranteed not to take more than 1 hour.
At 4 PM Jonah Thomas will make a short presentation on Systemantics.
Systemantics is the study of systems, particularly human systems. Why do they so often fail at their stated purposes? How can they be made to work better?
The topic has a long and tragic history. It requires a strong sense of humor to face bravely.
The meeting is open to all. It’s OK to attend starting at 4.
We usually meet the second Sunday of the month. This time it is the third Sunday.
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Meeting ID: 950 3478 8719
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FGP Business Meeting
Sunday June 14 2020
On Zoom.
Contact a co-chair for details.
Please vote for me.
I am running for Fairfax Soil and Water Conservation Board. This is an unpaid position, I would be one of five people with the final vote on many small projects the Board funds or organizes.