Maria Bergheim from Loudoun4Bernie is starting a new Green Party local in Loudoun, please attend if you live in Loudoun.
Their first meeting is at Rust Library in Leesburg, October 3rd 7pm-8:45pm, Meeting Room B
The NoVA Greens local (Fairfax, Falls Church, Alexandria) monthly meeting is October 15th, 11:30-1pm, Meeting Room 1
We will be voting on a coalition with Socialist Alternative DMV, discussing our 15NOW campaign, and recruiting people to run for 2018. If you’d like to become more involved in a campaign to raise the minimum wage, please sign up at
For the first time in my memory the NoVA Greens and NoVA Libertarians will be hosting an event together. We will be watching the first Trump-Clinton debate together. It’s in 2 days, September 26th, at O’Sullivans Irish Pub in Arlington starting at 9pm. 3207 Washington Blvd, Arlington
There is still a Jill Stein canvassing campaign going on. For more info visit
To get more up to date news on the party and campaigns, please join
Also, the various Green Party booths this month were a success.