What We Stand For

Ecological Wisdom
The Greens recognize that the Earth sustains all life processes. Green ecology moves beyond environmentalism by understanding the common roots of the exploitation of nature and the exploitation of people.

Social Justice
Greens oppose the worldwide system of poverty and injustice, and are working to end oppression based on class, sex, race, citizenship, age, or sexual orientation.

Grassroots Democracy
Greens believe that the power concentrated in big business and big government must be returned to the people. We believe in direct participation by all people in the environmental, political, and economic decisions that affect their lives.

Greens reject violence as a way of settling disputes–it’s shortsighted, morally wrong, and ultimately self-defeating. We are working to crate a society where war is obsolete.

Power and responsibility must be restored to local communities, within an overall framework of ecologically sound, socially just values and ways of living.

Community-Based Economics
Greens seek a new economics based upon the natural limits of the Earth, which meets the basic needs of everyone on the planet, and is under democratic, decentralized community control.

The Green movement is profoundly inspired by feminism. The ethics of cooperation and understanding must replace the values of domination and control.

Respect for Diversity
We honor the biological diversity of the Earth, and the cultural, sexual, and spiritual diversity of Earth’s people. We aim to reclaim this country’s finest ideals: popular democracy, the dignity of the individual, and liberty and justice for all.

Personal and Global Responsibility
Greens are committed to global sustainability through both political solidarity and ways of living based on ecological principles that respect our bioregion.

Future Focus
Like the Iroquois Indians, Greens seek a society where the interests of the seventh generation are considered equal to the interests of the present. We must reclaim the future for ourselves and our children.

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